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The Officers and the Executive Committee of the Knoxville Academy of Medicine Alliance established a fund, known as the Knoxville Academy of Medicine Alliance Philanthropic Fund, in May 1981. It receives tax-deductible contributions for the qualifying projects of the fund and for sponsoring activities to raise monies to be used exclusively for charitable, scientific, safety, and literary or educational purposes. The fund is directed by the Philanthropic Board of Managers. KAMA raises money through an annual Legacy Event fundraiser. Events have included  FASHIONDRAMA, DOC ROCK, and the KAMA GALA. The PATRON FUND and HOLIDAY SHARING CARD occur annually in addition to the Legacy Event.

The money raised is placed into the KAMA Philanthropic Fund and distributed as grants to local health-related organizations, funds for medical and nursing scholarship endowments, direct scholarship awards for medical and nursing students, and support for the KAMA Philanthropic Fund and KAMA sponsored health promotion initiatives.

To make a donation directly to KAMA, please send your check payable to KAMA Philanthropic Fund to: KAMA Philanthropic Treasurer, PO Box 10551, Knoxville, Tennessee 37339-0551.

If you would like to make your gift in memory or honor of someone, please attach a note with this information including whom they would like for the institution to notify.

Philanthropic Board

Chair: Jennifer Ollis

Legal Advisor*: Kristi Pickens

President*: Maria Jernigan

President-Elect*: Liz Ellington

Member-at-Large: Judy Akers

Member-at-Large: Rachel Antiporda

Member-at-Large: Janeen Staack

Health Promotions: Caitlyn Lowe

Assistant Treasurer: Stephanie Repine

KAMA Fundraising Chairs - Doc Rock: Kirstin Kropilak & Mary Weiss

Patron Fund: Alyson Cutrer & Lorraine Johnson

Holiday Sharing Card: Virginia Bieber & Cynthia Gash

*Ex-Officio Members


P. O. Box 10551 • Knoxville, Tennessee 37939-0551

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